Paul Rodgers Simple Man Live: Where Is It

In the late 60's one of my friends, who is a big sports fan of yours, said about you, "He's got a sound similar a lead guitar". A batch of your phrasing and embellishments do sound very guitaristic, is there anything conscious around that?

I think there is very so much a question and answer affair that occurs. I think I picked that up from the blues, because there is always this rather suchlike (sings) "Whoa, o-oh, yeah " (imitates a guitar) "Daa-, daa-a-, aah-a", thither's all that question and answer thing going away on, and that has bled over into my own songs as well. It's something me and Koss did very well, I ungenerous without even thinking most information technology. That's one of the things that I really liked about Koss, we breathed in the songs together, it was really natural. Yea, I think I do. If I stop and think about it, I probably do imitate a guitar thing. I sometimes lead and I sometimes follow, I'll discombobulate things at Geoff, and sort of challenge him to similar, "Go on then! Repeat that!" or something the likes of that, and we sustain fun with it. Information technology's like a melodious conversation, when you think about it.

World Health Organization were your first major influences as a singer?

Elisha Graves Otis Redding was my main number 1 roast. Still is. Probably the biggest thing I remember, I did the Atlantic Ocean Birthday Party, they aforementioned can you come with over and sing something, and I same "Good I haven't got a band at the moment", and they said "Oh, we'll grow you nonpareil, we've got one here", and I said "Who is information technology?", and they said, "Steve Cropper and Duck Dunn and the guys", and I was suchlike on the plane ahead they hung upfield the call! It was great. I did Dock Of The Colored, information technology was a fantastic night. It was different, as well, IT was outside of bands and shove, information technology was very rattling.

Did you ever have any formal vocal grooming, or did it just come naturally?

I guess I was propitious. I found out I had a voice when we would ever be at this band's rehearsals, they were like grown-up lads, and we were like really young, and we would hero-worship them. And indefinite day their singer didn't sprain up, and they let Pine Tree State get up and sing. It was a bit like walking into a hurricane, you know, upcoming the mike, I was very nervous And I Panax quinquefolius something like Long Tall Wisecrack, I think it was, or a Little Richard song anyway, and they ready-made me the singer, you know, and I never looked back from then on. Merely I suppose that if I've had whatsoever training. it's listening actually, IT's copying people like Otis Redding - nerve-wracking to copy him, anyway, and Ray Charles VII, for instance, I took a lot of the kind of come near that I had from Genus Otis, how he would babble with a positive sense of deep presence, he was there in the moment, he wasn't just singing the words. He was rhenium-living the emotion. And what I used to equal about him, and I however do, is the way that the songs always climaxed, and he always reached from the lyric and extended information technology into a whole ad-lib matter. That I find wonderful.

Very few white guys audio convincing when they sing the blues. Do you take in some theories as to how come you manage it and then well?

Well, if I do, it's lone because I'm not nerve-racking to sham that I'm a black guy in the cottonfields in Mississippi in the 30's and 40's. I father't render and set that, because I'm non, you know, I'm a lad from Middlesborough. But what I do is, I do flavour the emotions, I do feel a certain resonance with what they got into. I retrieve information technology moldiness be something to do with, I don't know, the employed-socio-economic class affair. I could relate to the struggles that they had in lots of shipway. And I guess I just try to sing it with feeling, you make love.

So Aweigh wasn't your first band, then?

No more. It was the first band that was monumentally successful. I did rush just about with other bands before then, yea, a great deal. Honourable before Free I was with a band called Chromatic Sugar, it was a megrims band, and that's how I met Koss.

How long was Free together before you first recorded?

Oh, that's a good question. Induce a daylight seemed like a twelvemonth in those days, and now a year seems like a day, you hump! Let's think - probably a subject of six or heptad months. We did some tours around with Alexis Korner, and He seamed USA up with Island Records, and having convinced them that we were worth attractive on - which wasn't well-to-do, actually! - we went in the studio apartment. We in essence banged our lay out down, more or less.

"All Right Straight off" - that song is quite a possibly THE uncomparable rock classic. Did it take on long to write?

Probably not. I think information technology what IT was was a combination of the focussing in which we were sledding, so you could say it took three years to write. In the sense that the vibration of information technology, it was rattling much... it formulated the Free style, and information technology sort of epitomised everything we were finished to at that point. Physically, information technology probably took basketball team minutes. The chorus came first, because I wanted a Sung that everybody could sing, and then Andy worked out the poetise riffle, and I took it home to write the lyrics. I remember thinking - Buckeye State, I must write these lyrics... "At that place she stood, in the street"... Yea, yeah - What was she doing? Oh - "Smiling from her head to her feet"... Yea - And I don't think up I crossed anything unfashionable, information technology was just like that.

In that respect's no way you could have known what a classic it would become, but did you shady that it was a hit Eastern Samoa soon as you wrote it?

No, at the time it was just one of another batch of songs that we were working happening, me and Andy were banging them KO'd, we were written material a lot together - not all of which saw the light of daylight... information technology was one of many a we were writing at the time, it just, you know, surfaced.

Of of course you never need to sing the chorus, the audience does that for you, but do you ever acquire fed upwardly with singing information technology?

I do leave the consultation to sing the Greek chorus, yeah... And they do a good job, consecrate 'em. Well, no, I don't really get displeased singing it, because I get into't make it a main feature. It's kind of like almost a given, that at the closing of the evening, when it's all raving mad and everything, it's so region, IT almost plays itself. IT's an audience song, that.

Oral presentation of "All Right Now", I was watching the Isle of Wight Festival on TV a few weeks agone. Koss looked a bit out of it along that one?

Oh, no, in reality, Koss was in fine shape, he was swell. He was probably just a bit aflutter. I think where Koss started to go downhill was after the first time the stria split. Stimulate atomic number 2'd moved to Portobello Itinerant at that prison term as well, and he had very a lot of bad influences, shall we say, on the doorstep, you know, like, knocking, knock, knock - "Hey man, try whatever of this", and because he didn't have a focus in the striation... One of the reasons we got back together once more was to try and - good, rescue him, virtually. I remember Frazer locution to Maine, let's get the band back together, suit Koss is in a bad way. I think none of America realised just how vulnerable he was. I think that the entirely renown affair was harder for him, the pressure, he was troubled under information technology, I think, more than any of United States realised. And when the band separate, something snapped, you know, and forthwith with hindsight it's easy to say these things, and see them...

You possess written a whole bunch of classical rock songs. Can you tell me how you go about written material? Manage you start with a classical idea, or a melody, or what?

I think I get my songwriting from megrims, actually, cause that's where it grew out from. The first song I wrote, I was with Brown Scratch, they went into this riff - I still don't bang to this daytime what it was, information technology was some flick from a blues album, and I didn't bang the words to it, so I just sang something. IT occurred to me, I thought, you could spell a song like that, if you had your possess riff, and you put your possess lyrics on, IT would glucinium a song, wouldn't it? So I wrote Walking My Shadow, I came up with the Riffian, and quite of a sudden, I was a songwriter! IT was quite amazing. And IT gave me confidence to go on. My songwriting in and of itself comes out from that, I yield a quite a little from the simplicity of the blues and the idea that its language is things you could merely state, almost conversational. I always try to keep it simple. I don't really know what it comes from. It's never one thing or the separate, sometimes it sack live a title that'll trigger it remove, or vindicatory a couple of chords, the manner they interdepend can start it, on guitar, piano, physical phenomenon guitar, acoustic guitar - I get into't jazz. It can vary, a deal.

Do you write generally with the guitar, or with the piano?

It depends on what mode I come in. If I'm on the road, often it's difficult to get to a pianissimo assai, and if you sit in the lobby, if there's a piano there, "Excuse Maine sir, you tush't play the softly here". And then I end up playacting a tidy sum of acoustic. I dress realise that if you sit with an acoustic guitar, you will write acoustic-homeward numbers racket. IT's the same with the electric car guitar - if you lack to write some rockers, IT's best to plug in the old electric guitar, and let profligate. Cause they get into't always convince. But on the other hand... they sometimes do. So you've got to keep a completely open mind. For instance, "Overloaded", on the album, was an acoustic total in my head, totally, until Eddie Kramer said, "Ooh, you got to make that a band song, endeavor that with the striation". And it took turned and it just went, whoof, and ahh, yea, you know.

Do you write mostly from person-to-person experiences, or is it Thomas More abstract?

A lot of the songs are definitely around personal relationships and personal experiences and stuff that I've gone through that perhaps other populate can relate to, because we all live through it.

Your lyrics aren't complicated, but somehow you never sound banal, even if you're melodious simple things like, "I'm vertical at the station".

Yea - cause when I spill the beans a line like that, I'm actually visualising lasting at the station, and I'm taking you there with me, you hump. I kinda live the songs.

Of all your own songs, do you birth a in the flesh favourite?

Somebody asked me the other day, they were writing a Bible and they were collecting stories behind classic love songs, and did I have any stories. And I remembered that Feel Alike Making Love, for instance, I started to write that on the tail end of when Costless was staying together. I was staying in San Francisco, and I went off and hitched with this group of hipsters, and we hitched up to a place called Rionido, where we lived in the woods for a couple of weeks, and it was amazing, by the river in these little log cabins. I had a family relationship there with a certain fille, and that's where that Song dynast developed, started, you know. Then I destroyed it up and information technology became a Bad Company song, much, much later along.

Is there whatsoever song by someone else that you've thought "I wish I'd written that "?

Oh, yea, man. Day in and day out. I mean that Foreigner song, I Want To Be intimate What Love Is, I compliments I'd in writing that. And I wish I'd engrossed The Midnight Hour, for Supreme Being's sake! There's a song by Cheryl Crow titled Every Day's A Crooked Road, I love that, it's such a great lyric. And it occurred to me that, even if you're not on tour, every day is a winding road, because you've got to experience sol many things to sink in the twenty-four hours.

You are also a pretty good guitarist.

I'm very simple on the guitar. I use IT mostly to write. I sometimes get rowed into playing on stage. I wear't think of myself as a guitarist as such, though, cause people like Geoff Whitehorn on the guitar, it's comparable "Hunky-dory, OK", you know. Atomic number 2 does it all. So I'll leave information technology to the experts!

Have you always played the guitar?

I've e'er twiddled happening the guitar, yes, for a long time back.

Did you ever want to be a "lead" player?

I went through and through a phase of it when I had a immature band called Peace, in between Inexact and Invalid Companionship. I reckon I played delude that. It was like steer/rhythmy kind of guitar. But I think I've given upbound aspirations of being Jimi Hendrix a long sentence ago.

Wise decision... Have you ever found it a problem to sing and play at the comparable time?

It's a bit like patting your head and rubbing your tummy concurrently sometimes. That's probably why I put on't play the guitar overmuch, sol that I can concentrate on singing.

Set you have a dearie guitar?

Yeah, I do. My Strat. It's Dakota Red, which is apparently a rarefied coloration. '64. It's fantastic, it's lovely. Rosewood fingerboard. There was a accumulator after one of those, he had like 60 Strats, in New York, he had wholly those Strats, and he didn't have a Dakota Red ink. Cause they tell me IT wasn't a popular colorize. I've got a two-tone sunburst Strat with a maple room, too, one of the early ones. I got that in the No-good Company days. Another guitar I've got is a Les Paul that wont to belong to Koss, the '58 Sunburst He had. I bought it yonks ago, righteous out of sentimental reasons, somebody called me and aforesaid, I've got Paul Kossoff's guitar, are you interested? I same advisable, I'm not really a guitarist. I rang round a few shops, and they said "The bottom's gone out of the market, you don't want to buy that". I bought it anyway, against all professional advice. And it's a wonderful tool. In fact, happening the record album, Geoff said, "If you think on, you could bring that down and I'll play it on a track" and helium plays it on Chasing Shadows. It wont to consist to Clapton, too, prior to Koss, so it's a bit of a past guitar. Check it out on it track. It takes a some listens, only you can listen Clapton, and you terminate try Koss, and you can hear Geoff. Information technology's quite awe-inspiring.

What around acoustic guitars, what do you play?

Well, Guild hold been very kind to me lately, and they've lent me a 6-bowed stringed instrument and a 12-thread which genuinely are beautiful. This is a birdseye maple body, the twelve-strand, I played it on All I Want Is You, which is active to be the ordinal lone. I in use information technology on the video, too. Information technology looks well, and it plays great.

What kind of amp come you use?

I pulled unsuccessful a Vox AC30 from my studio. I'm kinda joyous with it, it's nice. I was using a Marshall 50-watt and a 4 x 12 before that. The rum matter is about the AC30, that was other affair I bought for sentimental reasons - when I first started out, we were in the guitarist's aliveness room, and all of us plugged into this AC30, it was the bee's friggin' knees, you know. And to consume one all to myself is just so much sumptuosity.

You've worked with a whole bunch of awesome guitar players, approximately everybody. Ut you have a personal favourite?

Symptomless I'd have to say Koss. (Paul Kossof.) But they're entirely fabulous in their own way, that's certainly. I think the biggest thrill was on the vapour album, playacting with Buddy Guy. He was like the creme de Louisiana creme for me, cause we were doing a blues album, and of course we got a lot of guitar players, only when we got Buddy Bozo, that clinched everything, have He came in at the high minute.

What do you search in a guitar player?

Well, obviously, they've got to be pretty good guitar players. But what do I look for for? When I came across Geoff Whitehorn, e.g., the thing that affected me well-nig him was his ability to be able-bodied to play anything I could throw at him, be it blues, gospel, soul, a act of rock'n'roll, and really looseness IT with feeling. It didn't matter what kind of music it was, he had a great feeling for information technology. I think it does come down to that, precise simply. He slips into the channel of what the song is all nearly very easily. And it's all recognisably himself, atomic number 2's got his own profound.

Are there whatever guitar players that you haven't worked with that you would like to?

I've worked with Jeff Beck, we've played jointly, and I'd ilk to do many at some point. We did a couple of things, we did a single quite of late for Nodoff Robbins, the euphony therapy affair, which was nice. And we did a bit of film work collectively. But it would be nice to execute a full record album one of these days, if we both start the time.

That strikes ME as organism a "marriage made in heaven", your vocalise and his guitar playing .

It does work well. Atomic number 2 is a past master at the guitar.

You must be precise content with the new band.

Yes, I am. It's seized a while for the whole thing to come together, cause I was on tour with the blues album, and I had three fantabulous bands - the first was Jason and his lads, with Steve Lukather, and then I had Neal Schon, Todd Jensen and Dean Castronovo, that was a great lineup too, and at one point I was out with Reeves Gabrels, Tony Thompson and Tony Franklin, so I was out there with around hell of a bands.

Had any of you worked collectively in front?

Yes - I remember that on one Bad Company tour when Maggie Bell was out with us, Geoff was playing guitar with her, and I did about demos and asked Geoff to add up on - really, I then complete just what a great guitar instrumentalist he was, at that point. Jimmy, Jim Copley, I worked with when we did a BBC live express, he was on the drums for that, and Bryan President John Adams revolved up and we did a couple of things. Little things, you bon. It kinda came together organically, as we went, cause I realised the need for a band that was somewhat ineradicable, indeed that we could both tour and tape, and have an ongoing thing.

You worked the band live for 18 months before recording "NOW", and it very shows. The whole album has a selfsame coherent band sound. Did you try out all the songs connected the record album live before recording them?

No, not really. We've been doing blues, and some Free, and Bad Company crucial. But I did slide in about quaternity of the songs, and when we came to rehearse, we rehearsed about 30 songs in a couple of weeks, those four songs genuinely stood out, because they'd been played in, in front of an interview. Indeed I engaged a club, the Seat Line, and just played two nights, the whole rigid, entirely the songs, just to rather blood them, get them out there. And they improved, it was a good move.

How vital was information technology in the studio? Did you in reality spill the beans at the equivalent fourth dimension?

Oh yea, by all odds. What I try to do, though, it to catch up a performance, a thing that will spark it, so there's lots of oculus contact, everyone can see all other when we're trying things. We've rehearsed everything, thus we bed what we're going to coiffure as far as the arrangement is involved, simply we've played so many dates together, we can change things connected the nod. So for instance, the end of Keeping Back The Storm, that was completely ad lib. We hadn't predetermined that at all, it just happened. So I thought, yeah, we'll keep that. That's good.

Had you worked with Eddie Kramer before?

Yeah - he did, I think up it was the Run With The Pack album with Bad Company, indeed I have intercourse him from way back, you know.

The record album was listed "live" and analogue I guess you'Re not fond of appendage transcription?

Well, yeah - and Eddie as well, he's very, you know, Neve desks, and you can't look at him without sighted valves light leading. I try to get the record-breaking of both worlds, it's probably no expend living in the past, and I don't try to coiffure that.

Well, you'atomic number 75 not going to start releasing vinyl group, are you.

Ah, it's funny you should say that, but we are doing a limited variation of the album, on vinyl radical. International Relations and Security Network't that the best record party in the world?

I'll have to fail and buy up that, I've got an excellent record role player that hardly gets used any more.

Paul Rodgers Simple Man Live: Where Is It


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