Six Pack Abs Diet Content Uploads 2018 Day Challenge

Here are the cadre exercises I used to get six pack abs in a recent training plan.

While I already had ab muscles, these exercises helped to sculpt the abs I ended up revealing through diet.

Scroll to the end to run into a video of all 12 exercises.

Hollow Stone

Popularised past Kelly Starrett, information technology's a gymnastics motility that involves belongings a fixed dish shape while rocking backwards and forward.

3 sets of thirty seconds

Weighted Crunch

The focus with a weighted crunch is not to circular your upper back. Endeavour to keep your mentum off your chest and optics up at the ceiling. These can be done from the flooring or positioned on a Swiss ball for less stability.

three sets of 12 reps

Stir The Pot

The starting position is a plank on the Swiss ball. Keeping the body solid from shoulders to ankles, let the elbows to trace out a circle on the ball. I prefer to write out the alphabet with my artillery.

3 sets of 30 seconds


Ab Wheel

You need a posterior pelvic tilt here, don't allow your lower back to arch at full extension. Only roll out as far equally you tin can while holding a good lower dorsum position, interruption and come back in. Try to initiate the pull in with your abs and hips, not your arms and shoulders.

three sets of x reps

Hanging Leg Heighten

This can be washed on a pull upwardly/dip station, on parallel bars or hanging from a bar. Bring the thighs up parallel to the floor while breathing out, contract the abs, then return the legs to underneath yous. The easy version is with bent legs, intermediate with straight legs, and avant-garde involves bringing the toes up to the bar.

3 sets of 12 reps

50-Sit down Hold

Like to the hanging leg enhance, but in one case your legs are parallel you hold that position. Tense the abs and maintain the isometric hold for 12-15 seconds before relaxing. This can also be done off the floor.

3 sets of 12-15 secs


Seated Crunch

Position yourself seated sideways or at the end of a weight bench. Your legs will extend out and you volition demand to lean back to human action as a counter-balance. For added difficulty, concord a small-scale weight between your feet and if needed a pocket-sized weight held into the breast. This should be a slow and controlled move.

three sets of 12 reps

Long Plank

Starting from a normal plank position, walk your anxiety out behind you until your elbows are at center level. As with the ab wheel, don't lose the posterior tilt as you don't want to arch your lower back hither. Squeeze the glutes and abs, and for added intensity pull towards you lot with the elbows.

3 sets of 30 seconds

Leg Enhance with Twist

Similar to the leg raise, simply tilting so that one side of your legs is raised college than the other. This targets the obliques and is a nice variation on a beneficial exercise. Effort to pause briefly at the top and feel the wrinkle before lowering safely.

three sets of 12 reps (six per side)


TRX Tucks

Attach TRX bands overhead so that the handles are 6-12 inches off the ground. Stick a human foot in each loop and presume a press-up position. Bring the knees into your chest, allowing the hips to raise and maintaining shoulder position over wrists. Contract the abs before returning the legs to the original position.

3 sets of 12 reps

V-Sit Ups

Lie on the floor, perchance with an object like a light weight or a ball between your easily, which will be overhead. Simultaneously raise your upper torso and your legs (straight) until they meet in the middle to a higher place your hips. Here I like to exchange the object to my feet before lowering back to the start position. Easily, head and feet should NOT touch the ground betwixt reps. On the 2d rep you can exchange the object from your anxiety back to your hands. This exchange encourages you to do a short isometric in the superlative position.

3 sets of 12 reps

Stomach Vacuums

These should not form a part of you ab routine in the same manner that other exercises practice. They are best performed on an empty tum, either first thing in the morning or just before bed. Start with a few deep breaths, expanding yourbel ly instead of your chest. Next, breathe all the air you can from your lungs andwithout breathing in again describe your stomach in equally if you're trying to bring your belly button into your spine. Concur for upwardly to 10 seconds, with an 80-xc% intensity contraction, before relaxing and taking a jiff. You tin can rest 15-20 seconds betwixt breaths, practice four-5 in a row in the forenoon or evening on days yous aren't doing direct ab work.

four-v sets of 8-10 secs

All 12 Exercises (Video)



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